If you are a business executive who loves to know or learn facts that you file away for future information, then this article may appeal to you. It contains interesting cultural particulars that I have learned while living, working and traveling outside of the United States. In East Asian board rooms over new business discussions, executives will arrange the business cards of the participants in the order that they are seated around the table so…
When dining out overseas, table manners are especially important in how well you will be received in business and personal circles. Knowing your etiquette relative to mealtimes and how to conduct yourself could mean the difference between creating a meaningful, lasting impression, or alienating your foreign client or colleague with your In many countries business is not discussed over a meal. Perhaps before and afterward, but attention will be paid to the food at hand…
Here are five basic tips to get you started and to ensure that you are well received and welcomed back: 1) Refrain from making typical American gestures anywhere while traveling. The OK sign, the index finger and thumb forming a circle, is an obscene gesture in Brazil, impolite in Greece and in many areas of Russia. In Japan it means money and in France, zero or valueless. The V for victory sign, (palm pointing away…
While recently checking in to an up-market business hotel, in Orange County, CA, the desk clerk was courteous and efficient. However when I presented my credit card to her she asked, “CanIseesomeformofpictureID?” This was said rapidly, with the words run together. Of course I understood what she meant. However, behind me in the check-in queue was a couple speaking Italian. I wondered if they would understand this request, as it was posed to me. It…